Friday, September 14, 2012

Lovin' Fall in the Foothills

This purple wildflower growing in the pasture is ironweed.

It's been used to dye wool a green color so I, actually, gathered some and prepared a dyebath for a skein of wool, but it didn't take. I don't know what went wrong as I followed the directions closely - Oh well... it's a beautiful plant regardless.

Meantime,  I gathered some appropriate fabrics for a little project.

 I used the directions at  to make some fall themed pincushions, changing the stem appropriately for a pumpkin.  For each pincushion just cut and sew the small, rectangular strips of fabric, as directed, (By hand if you like since there is very little sewing to be done.) together at the ends then cinch with embroidery thread to form the pumpkin shape.  This project is so easy I think young girls would enjoy it, too.

I love it when something useful like a pincushion looks good and can be used for decoration, also.

 I used a dried shoot from our Bartlett pear tree for the stems, but you can use any type you have available or even pieces cut from a 3/4 to 1-inch wooden dowel. Just saw the branch or dowel into 1-inch pieces and hot-melt glue them in place.  I think they look much better than using felt for stems.

As you can see they must be quite fun to make as I did get carried away a bit.

 For now they're gracing the dry sink in my kitchen. I'll probably let them out to earn their keep as the real pincushions they are when I bring out my big ceramic Thanksgiving turkey and put it in their place.
Update:  Most of these have been gifted out and are being used as pincushions now. :)

All summer long this li'l bird, an American Goldfinch has watched from the top of the pear tree for other birds at the birdbath to clear away before diving for a drink. He's so timid and watchful.

 And a beauty.
Have a wonderful week! And don't worry about a thing - it's ALL in God's plan. :)

Linking to:  The Art of Home-Making Mondays


  1. I love your pumpkin's they are super cute and the birdie is really pretty too. Have a happy fall. It's beautiful up here in South Dakota.

    1. Hi Missy! I'd love to see South Dakota sometime. Hey, drop me a line sometime. I've wondered what you've been about lately.

  2. What lovely, lovely pictures! I almost feel like I'm there with you in your beautiful state. Which I have been to several times and absolutely LOVE. I could live there for sure. Your pumpkins are fabulous! Love the stems :)

  3. Thank you, Danette! I got the idea for the stems somewhere on the net, just can't remember where. :))

  4. You know I love those pumpkins! Hopefully I'll be able to put one together before winter. :-)

    The Goldfinch is so beautiful, isn't it? But what bird isn't? The Lord gave us such a treat to enjoy their beauty.

  5. Hi LesleyAnn! I could sit and watch birds birds all day long. :) Hope your pumpkin turns out great.

  6. Sometimes natual things have to sit longer for the dye to work Love the pumpkins!

  7. Love those punkins~ they made me squeal! :)
    I've been seeing a goldfinch family around here too lately... I need to put out some thistle.
    And thanks for the reminder that everything is in God's plan~ I needed that today.

  8. Hi! I would have thought ironweed would dye your wool purple. :) The pumpkins are so cute, and I love the fabric you chose! We get so many goldfinches in the spring. They come to our feeder and only want sunflower seeds.

    I hope you are having a great week.


  9. Hello from the Far North. Autumn has finally arrived here too. Your Ironweed is very pretty and I look forward to seeing how it dyed your wool. DID it really turn it Green??
    Your Pumpkins Pincushions are great looking. Nice to hear from you. Have a Lovely Autumn. Hugs Judy

  10. Please, please do tell if your pre-mordant works well with the pokeberries! I have used vinegar in the dye bath, and the color is beautiful but changes over time. I would love to learn more.

    Missuz C

  11. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those pumpkins!!!

  12. Those pumpkin pincushions are darling! What a fun fall project!

  13. Love!!!!!!!! Lovely for fall decorating... :)

  14. I am visiting from The Art of Home-making Mondays blog hop. What a lovely blog you have! I will have to come back and check it out further. The pumpkins are adorable!

    We are very dry here in my part of Ohio. The leaves are turning brown and falling off. I'm afraid we will not have a nice Autumn show from the trees.

  15. Oh I love these pumpkin pin cushions. Have you linked yet at the Fabulous Fall Pumpkin Party! Yes it's pumpkins this month. Come and link up and you'll be entered in a give a way! I loved your post!

  16. Hello there! Thank you for sharing your pumpkin post on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! We have *featured* this post on our LINK UP LOVE column today. Have a lovely week and please join in again next Monday :)


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