Monday, January 28, 2013

Last Night I Dreamed I Was Back At ...

... my sewing machine, of course, and could do free-motion quilting with the best of 'em, but then I woke and realized it was just a dream. O.O                 

 Our area got a lot of rain a few weeks ago, and we heard that Bald River Falls, which is usually an hardly-more-than-a-trickle waterfall, was showing it off in style so Goodman and I took a little day trip to see it for ourselves.

 The falls is near Tellico Plains, Tennessee just off the Cherohala Skyway.

 We passed this nifty covered bridge along the way.

One unusual point about this waterfall is it's a drive-by waterfall. That's right, you don't have to even get out of your car to see it but can if you want to, of course.

 I finished the binding on my quilt. It measures 88 in. by 88 in.

I waited & waited for a nice sunny day for a photograph of the quilt, but didn't get it until....
I had already gone ahead and taken what picture I could get ... then as I was putting the quilt away the sun came out. O.o
We have an escape artist. She's our lil rednecked hen.
See you soon, the Good Lord willin'.


  1. The Skyway must've been nice, that day. I'd have like to seen that waterfall, that's pretty impressive.
    The quilt looks great! I've never seen the whole pattern at once, I love it!
    I still don't like chickens, Mum. Even though, I'm wracking my brain to come up with a coop and fencing so we don't have to buy eggs.

    1. I wish you could have seen the waterfall, too. The spray from it fizzed my hair good, but we enjoyed it. You do need chickens, TG. Where there's a will, there's a way...

  2. Thanks for sharing your pictures. The covered bridge and waterfall are idyllic. Everytime I see your quilt, the colors are more beautiful. And I love chickens!!! I live in the city, but the powers that be are considering allowing us to have a few chickens for eggs.

    1. Thank you, Kay.
      I've always enjoyed keeping chickens even though I don't eat the eggs unless they are disguised in other ingredients. The rest of the family loves them though. I hope you get to have some of your own. They're such fun to watch as they stroll around pecking for bugs and all.

  3. The falls are beautiful! I just love your quilt. It's so pretty!

    Hope you're having a great week.


  4. Beautiful photos! Lovely quilt! Looks like you will be trimming her wings soon!

  5. Hi Kathleen! This gal is picked on by the other hens sometimes so we let her roam around whenever she likes.

  6. The Fall and rushing waters are lovely. Your quilt is beautiful. Love seeing your chook. Hugs Judy

  7. Your quilt is stunning. The colors are a perfect blend.

    I've been to Tellico Plains and have seen that beautiful waterfall. Don't recall the bridge. I'd like to be there again.

    We've been hit with a snow storm in West Virginia. There is about 6 inches of snow that I've shoveled off my deck. It's beautiful but causes backaches. ha It's predicted we'll have another 4 inches or so before it's over ...

  8. Hi LesleyAnn! I wish I could embed the movie I took of the waterfall in this post, but I don't know how to do that, yet. The bridge is just one that we saw on the way before we got to the falls.

    My gracious girl, send me some of that snow! *grins* I'd really love that. Stay warm!

  9. Your quilt is beautiful! I love the colors and the pattern. Congratulations on a great finish!

  10. The colors in you trip around the world quilt are so cheerful !
    Seems like it has been ages since the sun came out !Days are longer, but still dark !

    1. Hi Susan! I know it, it's dreary as can be so I'm refusing to look outside today. *grins*

  11. Hey girl,

    Thanks for the very encouraging words, they mean alot.. Sometimes its being reminded of scripture from someone else even if one already knows it. Again thanks for visiting, and BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!!

  12. Magnolia Tea,
    the quilt is so pretty. I love the colors you chose, and the sun does show off the swirling stitches. you are very good. I know I couldn't do that! I would love to experience a waterfall with our family this summer...we are hoping to take a trip once it is warm.
    Also, I forgot to mention it in the post of the celery, but they LOVE lots of water once they are moved outside, too. I'm hoping to use rain water and a soaker hose...rain water without the rust of our well!! Lol

  13. That's too funny about the escape artist... I've had a few of those myself and it is amazing what they will do to break out. *haha*
    The quilt is gorgeous! I love the pattern and the colors are perfect.
    Loved the pictures from Tellico Plains... haven't been down there in a while. We used to go to Indian Boundary lake a lot... I see a day trip in our future! :)

  14. Bald River Falls has always been a beautiful area. I have many trips by the falls (drive by) to Cherohala Skyway and then back by way of Dragen's Tail. I have the same picture of the covered bridge. It's been a few years since I rode through the area but beautiful scenery. It's snowing in my TN area won't be making any road trips tomorrow. Y'all have a wonderful day.


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