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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Frugal Bugle, Pt. 1

Hello from the foothills!

I'm concerned about wasting anything that I could use for another purpose. And I'm really concerned about paying the high dollars for cleaners that aren't even safe for us to breathe or handle. So, I've done some research and found homemade cleaners are actually easy to make. A few months back I read about a homemade cleaner that could be made with white vinegar and thinly pared orange peels. I love the scent of orange oil so I gave it a try.

I've put the peels of 5 or 6 oranges in this quart jar with enough vinegar to cover them well and set it aside to steep for 2-3 weeks. It starts to smell very nice after just 1 week.
The idea for this cleaner is from the blogger at Just Like My Nan Made.

When the cleaner is ready pour it into a spray bottle and spritz it onto a dust cloth or mop as you clean.