They can also double as scoops of ice cream. Mine are, obviously, having a difficult time making it to the dryer. Here'a a tutorial if you'd like to make some. Note: I made mine a bit larger than the ones in the tutorial with yarn I found at a flea market. Some of the older yarn isn't as skin-friendly as what we have today so I didn't mind using it for dryer balls. These cost me only $.22 ea. and freed up some space for my quilting stash. ;)
Shrub with berries along the pasture fence line. Note: These are not Autumn Olive berries. I got these and Autumn Olives mixed up when I first posted this entry, but thanks to Jacqueline's comment I realized my mistake. I wanted to mention that because I do not want anyone eating these thinking they are Autumn Olives. Sorry about that! Always be sure you are identifying wild foodstuffs correctly.
Goodman and I were out walking and noticed this nearly foot-high anthill... eek.
Eastern Red Cedar berries... love their frosted blue color.
See you soon, the Good Lord willin'.