The blue dishes displayed in the
4th of July post is my set of
Liberty Blue ironstone dinnerware made by Staffordshire in England. It's a set that was sold in select grocery stores over the country in 1976 to commemorate our 200th anniversary of independence. Even though I have thirteen place settings (I know, I'm a dishhog) & several serving pieces, I don't (and may never) have all of the pieces that were sold originally. The rimmed soups & soup tureen evade me or rather the prices yet on eBay cause slight heart palpitations even now...
Since you had questions about them I thought I'd group my pictures in this one post for you...all. ;) Yes Ma'am, just for Y'all!

Washington leaving Christ's Church in Washington, DC. (Salad plate)

Mount Vernon, Washington's home in Virginia. (Soup & cereal bowl) Monticello is on the bread plate, but I didn't get a picture...sorry.

The Boston Tea Party (Covered casserole)

Lafayette Landing is depicted on the butter dish & the gravy boat & stand.

A Minuteman answers the First Call...while his anxious wife slumps onto the table. (Teapot & Oval Baker.)

Betsy Ross showing the General her handiwork, the Stars & Stripes. (Sugar bowl)

Paul Revere's Midnight Ride. (Creamer)
The Governor's Palace in Williamsburg, Virginia. (Small platter)
Washington & his men crossing the Delaware River. (Large platter)

Fraunces Tavern in New York where General Washington bade a sad farewell to his staff at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. (Round serving bowl)

Washington at Valley Forge (Butter pat) Have you read
The Winter of Red Snow?
Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Dinner plate)

Old North Church in Boston, Massachusetts. (Milk pitcher)

Immigrants! .. seeking religious freedom & a better life!. (Salt & pepper shakers)
These were a gift from Eldest Brother that he bought while on military duty in Germany. They're
not part of the Liberty Blue set, but I like them better than the ones that go with the set as they add that added bit of historic nostalgia to my china cabinet display.
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Roses of Inspiration