We decided to put out a small garden just in case the house doesn't sell. Ha, it's not even ready to sell, yet, but this is a happy post so movin' on to another subject...we have squash comin' out our ears. Well, okay, just have a lot of squash. (It's no wonder the English language is difficult to learn for those with a different first language.) Anyhoo, I had the ingredients to throw this together so here's a new dish to share with you wonderful peeps. And make no mistake, the sausage in this casserole is perfectly complimented by the other ingredients. Enjoy.
Y'all-Come-Back-Now Squash Casserole
4-5 cups yellow squash, cooked and drained
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
1 lb. hot breakfast sausage, crumbled and cooked (I use Tennessee Pride, of course;)
1 can cream of chicken or mushroom soup (homemade "canned" soups are healthier)
1 med. onion, chopped
3 tbs. butter
Fry sausage just till done; drain, and set aside. Saute onions in butter. Boil cubed squash about five minutes, drain. Mix all ingredients together and pour into a casserole dish - add a few sprinkles of water if it tries to clump. Bake 20 minutes at 350 F.
Serves ... let's see now = 2 over eaters, 4-6 regular peeps, or 8 skinny minnies.
Seriously, it's very good. We had it for supper last night with green beans and other vegetables from the garden.
Hope your summer is cooler than mine. :( It's hot in the South, Y'all. Lookin' forward to fall.)
Sharing at The Art of Home-Making Mondays, Homestead Barn Hop, The Backyard Farming Connection, From the Farm Blog Hop