And the summer of '07 went on and on and on.
No Ma'am, I'm not complainin'...just statin' facts and really, really looking forward to fall. Amazingly, our pink crape myrtle is still blooming.

The saga of Nubbins & stripes is ongoing, also. Here's a
Nubbins Dishcloth in Pinky Stripes by S&C. This pattern shows off the stripes the best that I've seen so far, and the garter stitch cloth itself is soft and easy to use.

I knitted a 100-stitch long back scrubber for the shower with another ball of Pinky Stripes yarn. Last week when talking to my daughter, B on the phone she mentioned that she had been knitting Nubbin Back Scrubbers! Well, you know how it is when a knitter hears something new,
especially with nubbins involved, so here's my version of her idea. It's 26 inches long and almost 4 inches wide. It works fine. Yes, those are nubbins on the ends. ;)

Nubbins Dishcloth in S&C Tie Dye Stripes. I guess I don't need to mention that I'm on a nubbins kick, again. Life is good. Have a great week!