I cast on again, counted the stitches three times and began the border. I knit and knit. Oh no, five rows later a mistake on the same row! I had to tink back several times as if I had just learned to knit the day before. The beginnings of a li'l ol' dishrag shouldn't take this long if you don't coddle each stitch, should it? 12 p.m. ....AACCKK!!! What to do now?
Break time, I needed it. I walked around a bit then I grabbed a handful of grapes, more candy corn and got back to work. I began the pattern after the border. The directions said to repeat a certain part THREE MORE TIMES ..yikes! I knit & knit & knit. Three hours came and went. I made it to the finishing border. Knit, knit, knit. Finally, I was done with the cloth in just over three hours!
I pinched myself to be sure it was really me who had knit that cloth in under 4 hours. Sure enough.. it smarted. I then set out to the post office the same day I received the box!!
Woohoo, Y'all! The box is on its way for a naturally regal Cotton Queens finish.
Now, here's a look at my treats from Megan.

The candy corn is nearly all gone as I hadn't bought any yet this year, and it's a tradition with us to devour several bags each year. The truffles are exquisite, of course! I love, love, love the ladybug markers. Blue is my lifelong favorite color & the white one showed up so cute against the blue and green of the cloth as I knitted it. Very cool. My skin loves Nivea & Burt's Bees products! How did you know?You did a fantastic job knitting my cloth, too, and who knew all my appliances are black & white! A closer look at the stitch markers Megan made for me.

My Orchid Cactus bloomed this week.

Have peaceful week, Y'all..I'll be chillin' .... in the mornin's, that is, as we're getting cooler temps, finally.