(fyi: my camera died so I wasn't planning to post until I decide on a new one, but that may be a good while; I'm so indecisive. In the meantime I'm using pics from my phone, and the spaces between the pictures are trying my patience so bear with me or I'll be tempted to just scrap this post.)
Our hydrangeas have been amazingly abundant this year.

We've enjoyed bouquet after bouquet of them. This one is keeping company with a little creamer that I found at an estate sale. Youngest painted those flowers on it for me.

Love the purple hues in these below.

I've been knitting, but took some time out from that to sew a few project bags to keep my different projects in. I really like this upholstery print from Walmart.

I may have gotten a little bit carried away making bags with the pink floral Oriental print fabric. Is four too many? I don't think so. o.O

This polka dotted interior fabric is also from Walmart.

I'll leave you today with a look at the thickest kombucha S.C.O.B.Y. I've ever seen. o.O
(Kombucha is a probiotic health drink that can be easily made at home.)

Hope you're having a great summer!