A friend from church has several acres of lilies, over a hundred different kinds, and these are some that I got from her last year. This burgundy is my favorite. It's a bit darker than it looks in the picture.

Here are three of the round face cloths I've been working on. I enjoyed knitting the round cloths from Rhonda White's
collection of patterns, but the Mason-Dixon hexagon was not fun at all. It wanted to ruffle and blocking was a nightmare, just not worth it. It sure lived up to the root word in hexagon. I might just throw it away.

I photographed this one by itself because the tan color wasn't at all complimentary to the cloths in the first picture.

Life is peachy, just like this lily. :)
It's proudly displaying its last blooms for the season today. I'm glad the pictures can be enjoyed all year long. But, alas, I've got red and burgundy stella d'oros that have yet to bloom.