I'd never heard of moss roses until last year when our oldest put some out in her yard. Each plant has two or more colors of flowers on the one plant. Nifty. I looked them up and found out they are indigenous to our area, too, but I'd never seen them growing wild that I recall.

Grand-gals love old-fashioned ice cream from the
Tic Toc Ice Cream Parlor.
Long, long ago and far, far away Goodman was on a military tour in Europe. We found ourselves in a small village in Germany with a handful of other military families. I did a lot of sewing back then with fabrics that one of my sisters fondly called "bullet-proof polyester." Remember those from the 70s? I taught several friends how to sew, also and collected their scraps along with my own. A few years after we were back in the states I sewed those scraps into a full-size quilt top. I'm not a quilter so it's not the greatest and it's never been backed, but every time I look at it those days of sewing with friends while the husbands made the world safe come back clear as a bell. I still remember who sewed what and when they wore their outfits. Lately, I've been thinking about backing it, but what on earth would a person back it with now?

Youngest is making mints for some folks that are having a June wedding. I'm helping just a bit with 108 daisies. Two colored mints take twice as long to make. The upside; they taste like circus peanuts.

Chocolate/hazelnut boots will be on the menu, too.

Hope y'all have a cool week.