Hey, Y'all. I hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend.

We had a good time, especially with the grandgals. Goodman bought fireworks (perfectly legal here) for them. They have some of the cutest things for kids like parachutes and colored smoke bombs..too cute. Otherwise, I've been immersed in the garden and more spring cleaning and..and...well, you get the picture.

four little ol' cucumber plants have blessed me with several dozen jars of pickles...well, I did the picklin' part myself, but the plants just keep makin' more cucumbers.

These are lime pickles. I just followed the directions on the bag of lime I got in the canning section of the grocery store.

They are quite good, but bread and butter pickles are my all-time favorite. I've made two batches of both kinds so far. I think I have enough to make a run of whole kosher dills this afternoon....

Oh, my birthday was very swift. It's from Knitpicks and it works very well.

And it looks like I got it in the nick 0' time. Goodman and I trekked up to Ohio on the 4th and met up with some friends at Treasure Aisles Flea Market just north of Cincinnati. We had a terrific time and found treasure after treasure. I found five skeins of this Irish Knittng Wool that is tied like most hanks of yarn are tied before they are twisted. I'm going to need the swift to wind it into balls for sure.

Plus the same folks had these
twenty packages of wool. Each package contains 2 balls of pure wool in worsted weight. 80 ounces of wool in the sealed packages. I'm still stunned over this find. I paid $9 for all of the yarn. Somebody pinch me.

I found these very cool Japanese lantern style patio lights for $3 and this hinged-lid tin to add to my collection for $3.25.

I'm still working on the lace border for my shawl. I've go one last skein of yarn to go. I'm hoping I can finish it before the yarn runs out.

Hope your week is a good 'un. :)